Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Blog Assignment #4 - Diets and Dietary Restrictions

          What I chose was a vegan diet which is a diet were you don't eat anything that comes from an animal example like milk and eggs.

A typical daily menu for me is in the morning i would have oatmeal with nuts or fruits examples like strawberries and orange juice. For lunch i would have a toss salad of mixed greens sliced carrots and a red wine vinaigrette and toasted pumpkin seeds. For dinner it would be tofu mixed bean pasta with tomato sauce and chopped parsley. Between lunch and breakfast or lunch and dinner i can have sliced fruit or an oatmeal bar.

BREAKFAST                                                           Typical Daily Diet Menu

1/2 cup oats
1 cup of water
 fruits of any kind


300 g mixed greens
50 g sliced carrots
20 ml red wine vinaigrette
toasted pumpkin seeds


100 g tofu
100 g mixed beans
100 ml tomato sauce
200 g dry pasta
chopped parsley


dried fruits
oatmeal bars

Day 1
So on the first day of my diet it was really hard to get into it because i was use to eating a big breakfast of eggs, bacon and a slice of bread because of that i still was hungry a bit after eating my oats. But the bright side of this is that i didn't feel really full I just felt like I had enough to help me get through the morning. But once lunch came which was around 12:00-1:00 I was craving for some meat but what i had was a salad which didn't satisfy me. Once dinner came I was starving and really wanting some meat like chicken or beef. Since i was so use to have meat or poultry my stomach felt upset after dinner. Overall the first day was really hard to get by.

Day 2
So i got up this morning I had oats but this time I had it with some mixed berries and walnuts. This helped me get up a go on with my day but once lunch came again i had the same problem where I still wanted meat and my stomach was hurting since this diet is new to me and i never tried it. As dinner came by it was a repeat of day 1 where I felt like i needed meat but the difference is that my stomach felt fine after dinner. Overall this diet is going alot better than the first day.

Day 3
When i got up i didn't have time to make breakfast so i had a couple of apples and an oatmeal bar this is when i started to realize that this diet is affecting how i function now an example i yawn less now every morning and that i feel more motivated when i am on tired. When lunch came by i got use to what i eat. After lunch i had some raisins.  We dinner came around i was pretty use to what i have so there was no problem there. Day three is when my body is slow getting use to what i eat now.

Day 4
I was pretty bored of what i had recently because i been eating the same thing for the past three days so i changed it up a bit so for lunch instead of have a salad i had a vegetarian sandwich which had grilled zucchini, red peppers, onions, and eggplant brushed with balsamic vinegar. For dinner i had some steam vegetable with some pan seared tofu which was delicious. Overall day 4 was so far the best day for me.

Day 5
When i started my day the stomach pain came back because i been eating less than i would usually eat. I started feel a bit sick but i just went with it. As the days go by i felt a bit better. What i had was the left overs i made from day 4.

Day 6
On day six i did nothing productive so i was able to make some baked beans with some sliced mushrooms i placed that on a slice of bread which was good. As dinner came by i had some rice with tofu and steam bean sprouts tossed in sesame seed oil. Today i was able to change what i eat because it was the week end which was good because It is best not to have the same thing most of the week.

Day 7
On the final day was i decide to go slow so i made some vegetable stew during lunch which had chopped carrots, parsnips, celery, onions, potato, and peas. i had this for dinner too. Overall this experience was enjoyable because i was able to challenge myself to make something that doesn't have poultry or beef.

My advice is to be able to challenge yourself when making your dishes this diet was very help for me because it allows me to learn a better way to prepare vegetable and other dishes. Also i would not go on with this diet because i like meat and it was hard enough just to last a week without meat i was surprised that i went i lasted for a week.

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